Airline Tycoon Game Cheats

Enter one of the following codes during game play.
Result                    Code 
Level select            - atmissall  
People leave airport    - panic 
More people Fly Airline - crowd 
Money                   - donaldtrump 
Airport expands         - expander  
All helpers active      - mentat  
Eliminate debts         - nodebts  
All flights visible     - showall  
Notebook                - thinkpad 
Level skip              - winning  
Airfield Crowded        - missioncrowd 
Faster walking People   - runningman 
Better Reputation       - famous 

Visit Rick's Cafe on the main floor 
for pointers. Rick will offer advice on 
where to pick up a cell phone and the best 
place to pick up new orders. 
The Duty-Free Shop is your best friend. 
There are many items for sale that could allow 
you to work from anywhere in the airport, 
saving you the trip back and forth to the 
office. Check it out. 

In the second level, buy the violin case. Then go to the 
airibair place and click on the violin logo at the bottom. 
He will thank you and ask you to press the fire hydrent 
beside the building. Inside is a secret gun shop.

Unlimited sabotage to ur competitors:
Here it come the sneaky trick to sabotage ur competitors, 
just get a spider from the Travelagent(T). As long as u 
keep it, u can sabotage ur competitors by going to the 
PetrolairBackroom. But remember only one sabotage per day.
Too many sabotage will leads u to pay a fine.

Have a ANTIVIRUS disk:
First you go to the "Airtravel". pick the walking spider 
before the snake eat it. And then, go to Back of the 
petrolair. give him the spider. after you give it, you 
pick a dart from the deer's head. Go to the "advertising 
Agency". give him the dart. and you can have his antivirus 
disk (on the table next to him).

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9