Airstrike 3D Game Cheats

Update by: Jerin Var
Submitted by: e|XPL|orer

This cheats have to type while ur playing or when u pause the 
game by pressing "ESC".

Code                Result
"iwannabe"        - God Mode
"endisnear"       - 9 Lives
"armorychamer"    - All Weapons
"launchmenow"     - All Missiles
"iamstronger"     - All Power-Ups
"steelbirds"      - Enable All Helicopters (not currently available)
"blindwarrior"    - Enable All Levels (not available)
"messwiththebest" - Mission Complete!
"dieliketherest"  - Game Over
"givemecredit"    - Show Credits

Note: After using cheat-codes your rank will be "cheater" and you will 
not be able to post your scores online.

If any of these cheats does not work email me.
And if u need crack for this game or other real arcade games email 
me to or visit - at this time is under 
construction (16.VI.2003).

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