Blade Runner Game Cheats

Start a new game on easy.
When McCoy stops in front of the animal store 
(Runciter's Animals), restart the game on easy.
Now you will have unlimited money. 

You can check by going to the menu screen and 
looking at the side (the money screen). 
It will show infinity.

- AMMO Hex Cheat -
Open with an Hex-Editor a Savegame and
look for the Offsets 25A8 and 25AC.

Change these the Offsets to FFFF 
then save the File.
Load the Game and now you have a lot
of ammo.  


desired change:
Often you will need to talk to someone who isn't around at 
the moment, or rummage about in the effects of someone who 
is. Usually a quick jaunt out of the room and back in again 
will achieve the desired change in occupancy.

bomb blast: 
When fleeing the bomb blast, hug the right-hand side of 
the screen and run like stink. This will maximize your 
chances of surviving...and you'll still be able to get in 
a few choice words from the unfortunate bioengineer.

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