BreakNeck Game Cheats

Pause the game during a race, 
then enter one of the following codes. 

Result                                    Code
600 km/h super car                      - machthree 
Unlimited ammo in death match mode      - impact 
Free choice in starting league          - clementine 
Enable weapon mode in championship mode - overkill 
Animated switches in menus              - mccoy 
Tuning phase 5 for all systems          - likepamela 
All additional systems at 99            - liselotte 
All cars                                - nalice 
Disable cheats                          - alloff 
Use car "ghosts" either solid or transparent when trying out 
a track for the first time. They'll help you find the best 
hot spots for breaking and turning. 

Use the suspension tweak to keep your vehicle low to 
the ground. It provides better control and faster cornering. 
Don't automatically choose a heavier chassis unless 
you're planning some combat. The more durable chassis can 
reduce performance and speed, which isn't all that necessary 
unless you can't keep the car on the track. 

Submitted by: rickHH

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