Cart Precision Racing Game Cheats

Type these codes during gameplay to activate 
cheat function:

Cheats   Result
EC     - Cycle your speedometer between MPH, KPH and none
V      - Change your viewpoint while racing
CAR    - Drive the yellow car you saw in the pit station,  
         Don't do this if you're in the pits...
X      - Eliminate car damage
NOFLAG - Remove the flag from the corner
M      - Bring up a view of the map then
R      - Rotate the map
BRAVO  - Stronger wheels

FRAME  - View the game's frame rate (speed)
HEAD   - removes driver's helmet 


Tip 1:
The Race Engineer is a great resource for the 
terminally unmechanical, if--and only if--you can 
effectively translate what the car is doing out there 
before answering his questions. And remember, he won't 
make your car perfect--just better.

Tip 2:
In the Controls menu, lean toward linear steering 
for road courses with tight corners, and nonlinear for 
ovals and road courses with big sweeping turns.

Tip 3:
Check what's going on in front of you. And we don't 
mean just 100 feet in front of you; we mean as far down 
the track as you can see. This is where you'll see people 
doing stupid things such as crashing or slowing for no 
apparent reason. If you see them early enough, you might 
be able to avoid them.

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9