Commandos Strike Force Game Cheats

Submitted by: conner54

Open the config folder in your commandos directory, then open the file 
JuegoVer.cfg (with something like wordpad) and change these lines: 

.resolution ( 1280.000000 1024.000000 ) 
.resolutionNTSC ( 1280.000000 1024.000000 ) 

Those are originally set to 800 and 600, change them to your desired resolution. 
While you are at it you can change these as well: 

.bMarketingWhenExit 0 
.bLoadSaveEnable 1 

.bMenusExtrasActivo 1 

Their use is quite self explanatory. 

Additionally if you want to another difficulty make sure you have bLoadSaveEnable 
set to 1. That way you can create a profile (this way your settings in the options 
menu will be stored in a profile as well). If you want an extra difficulty level 
go to "my documents" there's a folder called CSF_data, open profile with wordpad 
then change this line COMMANDO_DIF or smth by setting it to 1.

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