Cybermerces Game Cheats

First press [Alt] + [F12] to bring up the entry screen. 
Now type in wlrnwhdakf or doomsday to enable the cheat mode. 
You should see the phrase "Cheatcode Enable" appear. 
Now press [Alt] + [F12] then [Enter] and type one of the 
codes below.

Enable one hit kills               - onekill on  
Disable one hit kills              - onekill off  
More money                         - money <1 - 999>  
Stop timer                         - time off  
Enable timer                       - again time on  
Invincibility                      - invulnerable on  
Disable invincibility              - invulnerable off  
Adjust character's intelligence    - int <1 - 999>  
Adjust character's dexterity       - dex <1 - 999>  
Adjust character's damage strength - hit <1 - 999>  
Adjust character's strength str    - <1 - 999>

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