Cyberstorm 2 - Corporate Wars Game Cheats

Edit your STORM.INI file to add the following codes, 
which will add a menu item that you can use during 
the game. The following list shows the menu functions 
that can be added (and what code will activate that 

[Function]                   -                [Type This Code]:
Get 1 credit                              - I'll Buy That For A Credit
Get 1,000 credits                         - Will work for credits
Get 10,000 credits                        - Mo money
Get 100,000 credits                       - Too much wheat
Get 1,000,000 credits                     - You may have already won
Get Mega credits                          - CUC
Max-O-Repair                              - As Good as it Gets
Max-O-Commander (Tech+Credits+Facilities) - You da man
Max-O-Facilities                          - Home is where the heart is
Max-O-Chassis                             - Must have!
Gain all technologies                     - He Who Dies With The Most Toys
Go back to normal technologies            - It was nice while it lasted 

Heal selected pilots              - Tarsus
Repair selected vehicles          - It's just a flesh wound
Restock selected vehicles         - Feel my wrath
Reset selected units              - Go Go Power Ranger
Get Mega turn-based move points   - Fly Away
Get Mega turn-based action points - Vengeance is mine
Touch 'o Death (one)              - Did I break your concentration
Touch 'o Death (many)             - That must hurt
I am invincible!                  - There can be only one
Crush all enemies                 - Death to all who oppose us
Become another player             - Freaky Friday
Fog of War: Godlike               - Let there be light v2
Fog of War Changes                - Let there be light
While in the BioDerm facility, you can use the 
Ctrl - LeftBrace/ Ctrl-RightBrace 
to give yourself any pilot face.

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