Doom Game Cheats

Normal cheat:

During play, type the codes with the keyboard.
You don't need to hit [Enter] after the code.
After entering, a message should be displayed at the 
top of the screen telling which cheat mode was activated. 

iddqd       Degreelessness mode (God mode)
idkfa       Very Happy Ammo (full ammo, 200% armor, all weapons)
idspispopd  No clipping (you can walk through walls)
idbehold    Displays menu (followed by S, V, I, R, A, or L)
idclev      Warp  (add episode and level number)
idmypos     Displays your coordinates in hex
idchoppers  Gives you the chain saw
iddt        Toggles Automap between normal, full,  and full with objects 
            (enter when looking at the Automap)

Junkies cheat:

Iif you are really addicted and haven't got enough with the previous 
cheat, here are more goodies.  

You get :

- A demo-movie showing how to get to a   secret hidden level
- Instructions on how to use the infamous  command-line parameters 
  and how to build   your own Doom-virtual-reality-setup !

It is a all in the included file.

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9