Federation Booker Game Cheats

Submitted by: conner54

Enter one of the following codes at the indicated screen.

Effect                                      Screen             Code  
Change the month                          - Calendar           [Ctrl] + A or S 
Change the week                           - Calendar           [Ctrl] + Q or W 
Call out an interference                  - During match       [Ctrl] + I 
Climb out from bottom of caged ring       - During match       [Right Ctrl] + [Left Ctrl] 
Climb underneath apron                    - During match       H 
Editor                                    - During match       E  
Explosion                                 - During match       [Tab] 
Halve the health of all wrestlers         - During match       [Ctrl] + H 
Random explosion                          - During match       [Left Alt] 
Turn manager or invader into a referee    - During match       [Ctrl] + R  
Reset all salaries highlighted federation - Editing            [Ctrl] + C  
Stop your wrestler complaints             - End of night       U 
Use different promotion                   - Match setup        [Ctrl] + 0 to 6 
Block all random events                   - News               Hold B 
Force inter-promotional challenge         - News               [Space] 
All productions                           - Production         [Ctrl] + A 
Reset a production                        - Production         [Backspace] 
Automatically complete production         - Production screen  [Ctrl

Search by Game Name

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9