Get Medieval Game Cheats

Submitted by: m-mag666 

During game play, type:

Code           Action 
mpkfa          Permanent full haealth, ammo, magic 
mpbodyguard    Player takes zero damage 
mphighlander   Gives 99 lives 
mpthewolf      Jump to next level 
mpbadmofo      Go to previous level 
mpbringthegimp Go to the boss area 
mpignition     Gives keys 
mpturbocharger Gives scrolls 
mppetrol       Gives health 
mparmorall     Gives Armor 
mpglovebox     Gives weapon 
mpshoes        Gives 99 souls 
mpironpockets  Robber thief can't steal from player 
mpbandaid      Player doesn't bleed health 
mpboo          Ghost status
mppos          global position
mpfps          frames per second
mplockpick     Gives the skull key
mpomar         Gives the fire shield artifact
mptroadrunner  Gives speed boost artifact
mpwinturbo     Gives super scroll artifact
mpbadbreath    Gives Freak artifact
mpmintybeath   Gives Worship artifact

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