Hidden & Dangerous Game Cheats

Cheat mode:
Type iamcheater at any opening screen or menu. 
A clicking sound will confirm correct code entry. 
Note: The code may need to be entered twice in succession. 
Then, enter one of the following codes during game play 
or at any menu screen. A clicking sound will confirm 
correct code entry.

allitems         - gives you all weapons with full ammo

resurrect        - same as what zombie was in the demo, 
                   brings you back to life

goodhealth       - gives you good health

nohits           - player doesn't take hits

killthemall      - kill all the enemies

funnyhead        - Big heads (I think)

gamedone         - successfully completes current mission

gamefail         - current mission ends in failure

openalldoor      - just like it says.. opens all the doors

showtheend       - I believe this shows the ending movie for the game.  
                   Use at yer own risc.

laracroft        - heh.

enemyf           - shows enemy in front of you.

enemyb           - shows enemy behind you (so you can see where/what 
                   they are doing).

playercoords     - your coordinates in the game.

debugdrawvolumes - no idea what this does.

debugdrawwire    - wireframe mode (haven't tried it)

quickload        - from the VERY 1st screen, I tried typing in 
                   iamcheater and then quickload, and I think the
                   purpose of this is a quick random mission. 
                   I was put on the ship.
Use a HEX editor and go to your saved profile in 
the savegame directory:


120 Campaign reached (byte, value 2 = campaign 3 reached)
122 Level Reached (byte)

If you haven't played the 1st level in a campaign you will 
not be able to play in the other levels since you have no 
record of selection soldiers (which you always do on the 
1st level of a campaign).

Hidden & Dangerous [Demo]

After the beginning animation it says 
"Choose Campaign". On this screen type:

unlockcheatmode (if it worked you'll hear 
a clicking sound)

Then the following can be typed from within 
the game or at any menu screen. 
Again after each entry you'll hear a click sound:

zombie - 
after being killed, type this in and you'll come 
back as a zombie. Your little head shot will 
still show a skull.

bighead - 
it'll give you a BIG HEAD!

killthemall - 
I believe this kills all the enemies but not your 
good guys. (translation, kill them all, NOT kill the mall ;)

showtheend - 
show the end of the game.

missiondone - 
will successfully complete your current mission, 
regardless of where you and your troops are.

missionfail - 
fail your current mission (why would you want 
to do that?)

openalldoor - 
open all doors.

goodhealth - 
I didn't understand this one. I'd type it and 
nothing ever happend.

allammo - 
THE BEST CHEAT! Gives you ALL the guns, rocket 
launchers, grenades, etc... 

laracroft - 
you become a guy in drag that's trying to look 
like her... funny! (I think this gives you a 
few different uniform choices as well).

enemylookf - 
gives you a view of the enemy.

enemylookb - 
same exept behind you. 

playercoords - 
displays your coordinates in upper left corner.

noplayerhits - 
again, I'd type this in, yet I'd take hits and die. 
But the Zombie thing would usually bring you back 
for more. 


Tip 1:
Backed-up commands result in lots of wacky behavior 
that might be mistaken for bugs, so be sure to erase 
old commands when laying out a battle plan on the map 

Tip 2:
Anthony Switcher, with his 100 stealth, is
indispensable; he'll get the drop on most 
enemies before they see him. Give him a 
sniper rifle, and he can clear most night 
missions almost single-handedly. 

Tip 3:
Let the computer do the firing for characters 
who have high shooting skills. For instance, 
Robin "Hood" Smedley and Tony Atkins should 
stay on computer control in combat situations. 

Tip 4:
Similarly, let the computer throw grenades. 
Use the map screen to command a soldier to use 
a grenade and then specify the target. It's more 
efficient to let the computer judge the distance, 
rather than eyeballing it and guessing the required 
throw strength.

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