Hype - The Time Quest Game Cheats

Various Cheats
During gameplay, enter any of the following "Codes":

Code           Result 
thundergod   - God Mode 
hype         - Full Life 
druide       - Full Magic 
gork         - Full Armor 
glittergold  - Money 
littletroll  - Toggle HP Regeneration When Standing 
littlegogoud - Toggle Magic Regeneration When Standing 
hermetik     - Toggle Infinite Magic 
houdini      - Toggle Infinite Arrows 
ouioui       - 10 Additional Blue Arrows 
nonnon       - 10 Additional Red Arrows 
grolo        - 1 More of Each Inventory Item 
thereyougo   - All Magics 
wonderful    - Run Very Fast 
pouletfrit   - Speed Boots 
toutundefi   - Destroy Hype's Armor 
end02        - Hit Barnak Once to Kill Him in the Top Tower 
epok1        - Epok 1 Completed 
epok2        - Epok 2 Completed 
epok3        - Epok 3 Completed 
epok4        - Epok 4 Completed

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9