Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine Game Cheats

Press [F10] during game play to display the console. 
Enter one of the following codes and press [Enter] 
to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Code                Result
urgon_elsa        - Get Weapons
taklit_marion on  - God Mode
taklit_marion off - Disable God Mode
nub_willie        - Get hints
azerim_sophia     - Health Items
mem               - Show Memory
version           - Show Version of Game
polys             - Polygon Rate Info

update by Volker Wiens (

Various Cheats (DEMO version - May work in full version)

fixme         - Get Jones unstuck
endcredit     - Show end game
framerate     - show framerate
makemeapirate - Jokes
urgon_elsa    - all weapons

Always look behind you; often the solution to a puzzle 
doesn't lie in the direction you're going, but in the 
direction you're coming from. 

Nothing stops a commie like a bullet. Use your whip only 
for swinging and climbing--it's pretty useless as a weapon. 

Be on the watch for skull tiles; these usually indicate 
a trap of some sort. 

Cheat mode -demo-
Submitted by Johannes Landn (Sweden)

Press [F10] during game play to display the console. 
Enter one of the following codes and press [Enter] 
to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect                                     Code 
All weapons                              - urgon_elsa
View credits                             - endcredit  
Free Indy when stuck in a corner or wall - fixme 
Display frame rate                       - framerate  
Pirate costume                           - makemeapirate  
Displays version number                  - version

Submitted by Sergio

If in Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine you pulses F10 and 
later writes makemeapirate, Indy will become in Gybrush Treepwod, 
one of the characters of Monkey Island. 

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