Neverwinter Nights - Shadows of Undrentide Game Cheats

submitted by: conner54

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; 
create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. 
Use a text editor to edit the "nwn.ini" file in the 
game folder. Add the following line under the "Game 
Options" section: 

Debug Mode=1 
Then, press ~ during game play and type DebugMode 1 
(case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Then, press ~ 
again and press [Tab] to view the debug commands. Press 
[Tab] to scroll through the commands. Enter one of the 
following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding 
cheat function. The message "Success" will confirm correct 
code entry. If the message "Entered Target Mode" appears, 
click on the desired character to apply the cheat. 

Note: If you alter your character, load the "nwnplayer.ini" 
file in the game folder and set the following lines in order 
to continue past the module you are currently on: 

Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0
Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0

Submitted by: Gareth Homewood

To enable Neverwinter Nights cheats, you will need to hit the 
tilde (Shift + ~) key and type in "DebugMode 1" (case sensitive). 
Then hit the (Shift + ~) key again and press [TAB]. This should 
show you a list of the different functions available. 
Hit [TAB] again to scroll down the list. 
NOTE: All Neverwinter Nights codes are case sensitive. 

dm_god        - God Mode 
dm_givegold X - Give Gold Amount X
GetLevel X    - Adds X # of Levels to Your Char 
SetCON X      - Set Constitution to X
SetWIS X      - Set Wisdom to X
SetINT X      - Set Intelligence to X
SetSTR X      - Set Strength to X
SetCHA X      - Set Charisma to X 
SetDEX X      - Set Dexterity to X

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