Nocturne Game Cheats

Full Version (Patched): 
Submitted by: Kian Andersen

Within a game, press F10, then type any of the cheat.
Most codes were wiped by bug patch, but some survived.  
These work with the full version patch:

Code                  Result
t2000               = Appear like Terminator 2000
bighead             = Big head mode
layitonme           = Extra Ammo
torchtip            = Flaming tip arrows
ebola               = Kill surrounding creatures
keysuper            = Skeleton key
reallycold          = Toggle enemy AI
dismember           = Toggle gratuitous dismemberment
iamacheatingbastard = God Mode
gimmecrap           = All Weapons, ammo and God Mode
amonra              = Gives Radiance Emitter
driveby             = Gives Tommygun
tntrules            = Gives Dynamite
woodenstakegun      = Gives Wooden Stake Crossbow
dumbogun            = Gives Elephant Gun
baronsaturday       = Summons Baron

Full Version: 
Within a game, press F10, then type any of the 
following codes:

Code           Result
godgames     - God mode 
winblows     - all weapons and ammo 
skeletonkey  - gives skeleton key 
moreammo     - gives more ammo 
healme       - restores health 
goremode     - toggles Gratuitous Dismemberment mode on/off
burningstake - gives flaming tip arrows 
thunderstorm - rains outside 
snowstorm    - snows outside 
bighead      - big head mode 
silver       - gives 500 silver bullets 
aqua         - gives 500 aqua vampire bullets 
mercury      - gives 500 mercury bullets 
oldhat       - stranger wears alternate hat 
goldmode     - cheap sales pitch
freezer      - toggles enemy freezing 
ifarted      - gas mask for Stranger

More Cheats:
Call cheat window with F10 key - then enter code.  
Most codes were wiped by bug patch, but some survived.  
These work with the full version patch:

aqua         = 500 holy water bullets
silver       = 500 silver bullets
mercury      = 500 mercury bullets
shotgunshell = shotgun & 500 shells
               (shells only if have weapon)
bandaid      = restore full health
pinkbunny    = recharge battery
youfarted    = gas mask

Still looking for the others-

Submitted by William White -

Demo Version:
Type in the following codes during gameplay:

Code          Result
battery     - Recharges Flashlight 
baron       - Summon the Baron 
beavis      - Gives Flamethrower 
bighead     - Bighead Mode 
crossbow    - Gives Crossbow 
dismember   - Dismemberment On/Off 
dynamite    - Gives Dynamite 
flametip    - Enables Flaming Arrows 
freeze      - Freezes/Unfreezes Enemies 
giveallammo - 100 Ammo for Weapon Selected 
gathering   - God Mode 
light       - Gives Flashlight 
masterkey   - Gives Skeleton Key 
movie       - Record a Movie 
shotgun     - Gives Shotgun 
snow        - Snow On/Off 
tommygun    - Gives Tommygun 
rain        - Rain On/Off

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9