Red Shark Game Cheats

Update by:Jiten
Submitted by: Kerber

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup 
copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 
"gamesettings.script" file in the game folder. Add the line: 

set bool ConsoleEnabled = true 
Begin game play and press [F3] to display the console window. 
Enter one of the following codes.
Press [Esc] to close the console window 

Result                               Code 
Enable indicated mission           - enabled_missions =   
Full ammunition (alternate)        - loadfullammo  
God mode (alternate)               - setimmortalmode  
Reset ammunition quantity          - fullammo  
Toggle God mode                    - god_mode =   
Toggle graphics detail texture     - detail_texture =   
Toggle invincibility               - immortal =   
Toggle unlimited ammunition        - unlimited_ammo =   
Toggle zone map as terrain texture - zone_texture =   
Unlimited ammunition (alternate)   - setunlimitedammo  
Unlock all missions                - enabled_missions = true  
God mode                                                      -  god
Unlimitedammo                                              - don  

or edit InstallDir\Common\Helicopter.script
and change all that you want.

Cheat mode (alternate):
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; 
create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. 
Use a text editor to edit the "helicopter.script" 
file in the game folder. Change the settings in the 
file to give your helicopter the desired attributes.

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