Star Trek Voyager - Elite Force Game Cheats

Cheat Mode:
Submitted by: maninder kalsi

To bring up the console, type "~" while playing. 
Type "sv_cheats 1" in the console to activate cheat 
mode. Then type any of the codes below: 

Code                 Result 
map #              - Load Map # (See Below) 
devmap [mapname]   - Allows Cheats on your server 
+button3           - Constant Taunting in MP 
-button3           - Turns Off Constant Taunting in MP 
^#                 - Changes Your Name Color (See Below) 
cg_fov #           - Changes Your Field of View (Default is 80) 
name               - Allows Your Name to be Longer / Have More Color 
model [model name] - Changes Your Model 
give # Give Item # - (See Below) 

Map Names:
BORG1     - The Rescue 
BORG2     - Incursion
HOLODECK  - Tactical Decision
VOY1      - Condition
VOY2      - Unavoidable Delays
VOY3      - Hazard Duty
VOY4      - Defense
VOY5      - Hazard Ops
STASIS1   - Data Retrieval
STASIS2   - Deep Echoes
STASIS3   - Encounters
VOY6      - Renewal
VOY7      - Union
VOY8      - Departure
SCAV1     - The Visit
SCAV2     - Dangerous Ground
SCAV3     - Conflicting Views
SCAV3b    - Conflicting Views (pt 2)
SCAV4     - Disorder
SCAV5     - Infiltration
SCAVBOSS  - The Hunter
VOY9      - Fallout
BORG3     - Proving Ground
BORG4     - Information
BORG5     - Covenant
BORG6     - Infestation
VOY13     - R and R
VOY14     - Visual Confirmation
VOY15     - Offense
DN1       - The Breach
DN2       - Command
DN3       - Primary Encounter
DN4       - The Skirmish
DN5       - Defensive Measures
TRAIN     - Transit
DN6       - Attunement
DN8       - Array
VOY16     - Invasion
VOY17     - Decisions
FORGE1    - External Stimuli
FORGE2    - Matrix
FORGE3    - Onslaught 
FORGE4    - Visual Magnitude
FORGE5    - Dissolution
FORGEBOSS - Command Decision
VOY20     - Epilogue 

Give Items:
Tetryon Disruptor
Compression Rifle
Scavenger Rifle
IMOD (infinity modulator)
Stasis Weapon
Grenade Launcher
Photon Burst
Dreadnought Weapon
Paladin Weapon
Desperado Weapon
Klingon Blade
Bot welder 
Bot laser 
Bot rocket 
Forge proj 
Forge psych 
Borg weapon 

Name Color:
1 = red
2 = green
3 = yellow
4 = blue
5 = light blue / cyan
6 = pink
7 = white
8 = black

Cheat Mode:
To bring up the console, type "~" while playing. 
Type "sv_cheats 1" in the console to activate 
cheat mode. Then type any of the codes below: 

Code              Result 
god               God Mode 
noclip            No Clipping 
undying           999 Armor, 999 Health 
cg_thirdperson 1  3rd Person View 
notarget          Invisible to Enemies

For the most part the enemies you face attack you, not 
your AI partners. It's important to be aware of this 
and position yourself so you can fend off the attacks.

If you see people sleeping, walk past them. If you run, 
they'll wake up and vaporize your sorry ass. 

During the battles that take place aboard Voyager, you 
can often run back to Sick Bay and get healed.

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