Submarine Titans Game Cheats

During gameplay, press Enter and type the following "Codes":

Code      Result 
FOW     - Reveal Map 
TECH    - All Techs 
ENERGY  - Full Energy 
AIR     - Full Air 
SILICON - Full Silicon 
METAL   - +1000 Metal 
GOLD    - +1000 Gold 
CORIUM  - +5000 Corium 
EXITON  - +1000 Gold, +5000 Corium, +10000 Metal 

If playing as the White Sharks, make an attack as quickly 
as possible on your enemy. An early attack with your 
superior forces can be key; you don't want them to have 
time to match you with their tech. 

If playing as the Silicons, try to harass enemy attack 
forces as they come toward you, weakening them enough that 
your defenses can take them out. Make teleport research a 
priority and be prepared to port a large force inside an 
enemy base. Especially do this if you have multiple enemies 
who are fighting each other. 

The White Shark campaign has a few game-stopping bugs and 
problems. A new patch will fix the game for you.

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