True Love Game Cheats

You have two possibilities to cheat with an hex editor:

Skills / Money:
Open SAVE with an hex editor and check out the 
following offsets:

for slot 1:  300
for slot 2:  82C
for slot 3:  D58
for slot 4: 1284
for slot 5: 17B0
for slot 6: 1CDC

Hier change everything to
63 00 A0 00 00 00 A0 00 A0 00 A0 00 8D 10

Now you have maxed out all figures but Fatigue, which 
still is 0. 
If you need it again later in the game this hexing 
can be repeated later again.

Open END with an hex editor and change the first 11 rows 
completely to FF. 
Now you can see all pics in the CG room and everything 
is set to 100%.

Submitted by: budi budak bandung

 hex editor
open end file change all to
it will be open all picture in the cg room

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