Dark Forces Game Cheats

The level codes:
Submitted by: Enigma Question 
Email: tbcat2001@yahoo.com.ar
Type the following cheats during the game:

LASECBASE    -    Go to level 1
LATALAY      -    Go to level 2
LASEWERS     -    Go to level 3
LATESTBASE   -    Go to level 4
LAGROMAS     -    Go to level 5
LADTENTION   -    Go to level 6
LARAMSHED    -    Go to level 7
LAROBOTICS   -    Go to level 8
LANARSHADA   -    Go to level 9
LAJABSHIP    -    Go to level 10
LAIMPCITY    -    Go to level 11
LAFUELSTAT   -    Go to level 12
LAEXECUTOR   -    Go to level 13
LAARC        -    Go to level 14

LABUG        -    Makes you small
LACDS        -    Complete the map
LADATA       -    Show coordinates
LANTFH       -    Helps you find the teletransports
LASKIP       -    Finish the mission
LANTFH       -    Give you all the things you need
LASKIP       -    Takes you to the sewers

Type them in whenever you need them:
LAPOSTAL  - Add weapons, ammo, & power ups
LAMAXOUT  - Max out all items
LARANDY   - Weapon super charge
LAUNLOCK  - Full inventory
LAREDLITE - Freeze enemies
LAPOGO    - Disable height checking
LACDS     - Map supermode
LASKIP    - Force successful level completion
LADATA    - Coordinate information
LABUG     - Insect mode: fit into small places
LAUNLOCK  - Accessories

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