Giants - Citizen Kabuto Game Cheats

Submitted by: Guntur Wibowo

During gameplay you can hit the T or Y button and 
enter in one of the following codes and hit enter:
Result                     Code 
Display Frame Rate         Fr 
Full Base Energy           Basefillerup 
Full Health                Pleasehealme 
Instant Gift Shop          Gimmiegifts 
Instant Party House        Itsmyparty 
Instant Smarty Work Force  Basepopulate 
Show Entire Map            Mapshowitall 
Speedy Base Construction   Basegoveryfast 
Unlimited Mana             Ineedspells 
Unlock All Levels          allmissionsaregoodtogo

Original Sea Reapers:
Submitted by: Vec
To play with the original, uncensored version of the 
Sea Reapers, enter the "bin" folder in the game folder. 
Move the "arpfix.gzp" file to another folder. 
To restore the game to normal, simply move the file 
back to its original location. 

Submitted by: rickHH

Keep an eye on your base at all times and establish 
perimeter defenses as quickly as possible that way, 
you won't have to worry about attackers while you're 
off and about. 

When playing as the Meccs, try to stay hidden, and pick 
off enemies from afar with the sniper rifles. 

Try to stay out of deep water at all times, since 
flesh-eating piranhas populate the murky depths. 

Eat evil Smarties as quickly as possible, but impale 
Vimps on your spikes for insurance you may need the 
health boost later on. 

Submitted by: Light_0
The following is For Giants: Citizen Kabuto Mecc Demo but 
I think It will work in the full game because the full 
game cheat codes work in the demo. Ok here it is... 
This is a way to "clime" mountains, while playing the 
mecc story activate your "jump jet" (sorry for the 
term but I am a mechwarrior guru) and push forward 
and keep pushing forward and try to run up the "cracks". 
and just keep holding down the jet button and the forward 
button and if you have the nitro use it as well.
Use your zoom button and the weapon you have in slot 2 and 
shoot you enemies in the head and watch how fast they die. 
If you want to get a lot of enemies to show up at one time 
shoot the building(s) that they are associated with i.e.: a 
barracks and the 'reaper guards'.houses and the 'sea reapermen'

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