Hot Rod - Garage To Glory Game Cheats

Submitted by: conner54
Enter one of the following names at the profile menu.

Status                        Name 
All cars (Damaged), $71,000 - BUNTA  
All cars (Hot Rod), $79,000 - SHINGO  
All cars (Hot Rod), $76,000 - SIMONE  
None, $203,500              - TAK

Submitted by: Dragi

Want $65355 dollars to start with Current rating : Unrated ??!!?!?!?!

Ok firstly start Hot Rod: Garage to Glory and create a profile and exit the game.

Secondly open the Hex editor from the cheatbook.

Then load the .sav file from the saves directory in the game file.

The first line of the .sav file should look like this:
FF FF FF FF AC 0D 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00

Right the AC 0D relates to the $3500 you get when you start the game, I 

changed it in mine to FF FF and it gave me $65355 way more than enough 
to buy a junk and make it go faster than the others :) 

Submitted by: Nico

Race on the moon all are X10 so when you race for 20$=200$ or 600$ =6000$ if you 
loos you loos 20$ or 600$ not 200$ or 6000$,, so a lot of mony is easy and leagal

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