MechWarrior 4 - Vengeance Game Cheats

Submitted by: Brian

Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type one of the following codes 
to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Result                         Code
Toggle invincibility         - superfunkicalifragisexy 
Toggle unlimited ammo        - iseenfireandiseenrain 
Toggle heat tracking         - ooohhhlllaaalllaaa 
Nuke current target          - itsdabooomb 
Destroy current target       - redjackandtikruls 
Jump jets                    - inmybeautifulballoon 
Unlimited jump jet juice     - crazysexycool 
End mission successfully     - likethecomstarbaby 
Free-eye mode                - beholdmyglory 
Enable time compression code - ontimeeverytime 
Time expansion activated     - antijolt 
Display bounding spheres     - bubbleboy 
Enable auto-grouping         - flashyflashy 
Enable leading recticle      - walkthisway 
Display Credits              - wediditagain 

Submitted by: rickHH

Press and hold CONTROL-ALT-SHIFT.

Code  Result
IY  - Invunerability
UO  - Unlimited Ammo
IB  - Destroy Enemy Mech
ML  - Finish mission with success 

Submitted by: Brian Giusto
NOTE: The above cheat (submitted by: rickHH) 
ONLY works with the DEMO version of the game!!!

Easy Instant Action win:
Build a Mech with double Thunderbolts. In battle, run up 
to your enemy and fire them at his cockpit. 
This usually works in one or two hits.

Inner Sphere or Clan?:
When it comes to selecting your ideal mech, keep this one 
thing in mind: Clan is better than Inner Sphere. Ton for 
ton, component for component, any Clan item outclasses its 
Inner Sphere equivalent. In the course of the single player 
game, you start in a Clan mech, and if you play your cards 
right, you'll have enough Clan mechs and parts to last you 
throughout the entire game. 

Building your mechs:
Here are a couple quick tips that will increase the survivability 
and durability of any mech you choose: 

1. Forget jump jets.Unless you're an expert, using jump jets has 
always been a nightmare in any MechWarrior game. Light mechs move 
too fast and stay in the air too long, and heavy mechs just can't 
stay up very long. If you get rid of them, you free up a good chunk 
of tonnage. 

2. If you have to have any Chassis components, go with the AMS 
or LAMS systems. These help foil missile hits, and when fighting 
heavier mechs, this is invaluable. The Beagle probe only helps 
missile-heavy mechs, so only use it for Catapults and the like. 

3. Keep your heat efficiency in the green zone, but just barely. 
In general, if you know how to manage alpha strike fire versus 
single fire, you can lose more heat than you make, ensuring a 
nearly constant fire rate. Too many heat sinks waste space. 

4. Armor only as much as necessary. If your particular weapons 
loadout can be stuffed into just the torsos or the arms, you 
don't need armor in the empty areas. They don't particularly 
affect your vital areas, and you won't lose any weapons, plus 
you free up space for more ammmo or heat sinks. 

5. Learn to love the PPCs, Flamers, and LBXAC20s. Although a 
good variety of weapons is necessary for any mech, these three 
weapons are particularly versatile. The PPC f ries electronics 
and does amazing damage. It's a great assault weapon and a 
critical one for many missions. The Flamer does a good amount 
of short range damage, but also creates a lot of waste heat in 
the target mech, forcing some opponents to shut down. And the 
AC20 is the king of damage for in close fighting. If your mech 
can mount one or two of these characters, and you're going into 
a tight situation, this is an ace in the hole. Learn to love 
this weapon.

Get a good joystick with a twist function. It's no 
surprise that Microsoft's SideWinder family of sticks 
fits the bill perfectly. Though you can play with the 
keyboard, you'll be at an instant disadvantage to someone 
who has a twisty stick. 

Go for the legs. Yes, they're harder to hit, but they're 
less armored than the main body. Plus, if you can shoot 
the legs out from under a mech, odds are you'll be able 
to salvage the chassis at the end of the mission. 

Be aware of the environment when you outfit your mechs. 
Avoid weapons that generate too much heat when you're 
battling in the desert, or else you'll find yourself 
shutting down after every other shot to cool down. 

Learn the Circle of Death maneuver, or die. If you stand 
still in this game, you'll get hammered. Be careful, though. 
Sometimes you can circle around an opponent too far so that 
you're in range of his guns. Always try to stay behind a 
mech; it can't shoot you from there.

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