Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Game Cheats

Update by: Mega-Fred
E-mail: fmarquez@movinet.com.uy

During gameplay, type in these 
codes (single player game only):

Code       Result
jjgod    - God mode
jjinv    - God mode
jjguns   - All weapons
jjammo   - All ammo
jjrush   - Sugar rush
jjfly    - Helicopter ears, type again for hoverboard
jjnowall - You can go across the walls (but only if you 
           can fly, so activate the jjfly cheat)
jjk      - Self destruct
jjshield - Power shield
jjnext   - Level skip
jjlight  - Fully light level
jjbird   - Bird assistance
jjcoins  - Get coins
jjgems   - Get gems
jjending - Return to main menu
jjq      - Quit to desktop
jjmorph  - Change into Spaz, type again to become Bird, 
           type again to become Frog, type a fourth time 
           to change back to Jazz

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