eConsultant - Meaning of Liff

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QUABBS (pl.n.) : The substances which emerge when you squeeze a blackhead.
QUALL (vb.) : To speak with the voice of one who requires another to do something for them.
QUEDGELEY (n.) : A rabidly left-wing politician who can afford to be that way because he married a millionairess.
QUEENZIEBURN (n.) : Something that happens when people make it up after an agglethorpe (q.v.)
QUENBY (n.) : A stubborn spot on a window which you spend twenty minutes trying to clean off before discovering it's on the other side of the glass.
QUERRIN (n.) : A person that no one has ever heard of who unaccountably manages to make a living writing prefaces.
QUOYNESS (n.) : The hatefullness of words like 'relionus' and 'easiephit'.
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