Evil Island Game Cheats

During gameplay, press ~ for the console and type 
'thingamabob' to enable cheat mode. Now press ~ 
again and type any of the following "Codes":

Code                   Effect 
help                 - List Some Console Commands 
fps 0 or 1           - Hide or Show FPS Counter 
give 0 money 1000000 - At the Map Selection/Party 
                       Equip screen, get 1000000 Gold Coins 
give 0 exp 1000000   - At the Map Selection/Party Equip screen, 
                       get 1000000 Exp points. 
lootall              - Get all laying objects across mission 
                       map into your inventory 
exit or quit         - Exit Game 
localrate            - ? 
rate                 - ? 
ban                  - ? 
kick                 - ? 
partyresend          - ? 
days                 - ? 
generateacks         - ? 
disconnect           - ? 
net                  - ? 
memusage             - ? 
server               - ? 
join                 - ? 
fadeout              - ? 
execute or exec      - ? 
lastfps              - ? 
loadvar              - ? 
listvar              - ? 
show                 - ? 
filter               - ? 
history              - ? 
console              - ? 
debuginfo            - ?

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9